BOXING DAY Greetings
Blessed is the season
which engages the whole world
in a conspiracy of love!“
From my Table to Yours. Thank you very much for being a part of my life in 2013. I have enjoyed our interaction in ALL its forms and look forward to sharing even more with you in 2014.
I hope that your Holidays (Holy-Days) have been restorative, reflective, connecting, peaceful, joyful, fun and fulfilling.
My family does not buy into the rushing and gift buying frenzy so I got to enjoy my family, fill up with the Great-fullness of Peace and Love. Enjoy good food, do crafts: My daughter and I made a Personalized Recipe Book for my son of all his favorite recipes since childhood (including child hood photos of him helping in the kitchen) … Now he can’t claim to not-cook…hehehehe. I mean hohohoho! We now have witnesses and an arsenal of photos to jog his memory.
My Intention for You this Holiday Season is that you have also…
- Been able to Allow your heart to be open to receiving the love that has always surrounded you.
- Chosen to be in a state of deep gratitude and appreciation so that you experience JOY, PEACE and PROSPERITY. (These qualities are not season specific. We have access to them anytime, anywhere).
- Continue to Remain fearless in the pursuit of your dreams and passions.
- Experience 2014 as Your Most Extraordinary Year Yet and Realize your Dreams. You have the power within and the focus to make it so.
Thank you again for the opportunity to contribute to you and serve you.
You are a blessing in my life. I would not be who I am without you!
Much Love, Light and Laughter,