Happy Easter, our family tradition making silk eggs

Spring is here!  Just the idea of warm weather is enough to put a smile on our faces. Were you outside in this glorious rejuvenating weather thawing out? The energy has finally shifted and  we were in the yard cleaning up.

Maybe you too feel its time for a fresh start and a clean up (and I don’t just mean your house)!

Here is Oma and Laura unwrapping the silk and string from the Easter eggs we made.

A great metaphor for unwrapping our baggage to uncover the hidden beauty within, isn’t it.



Here’s Laura  admiring our handy- work. Too pretty to eat!

When is it the right time for you to polish off and refresh some old lingering baggage weighing you down? If you are struggling to release distorted old relationships, painful memories, out dated priorities then maybe it is time to dust off those winter cobwebs and renew your internal energy flow.

Just like your body needs refreshing so does your energy. Come in for a quick cleans with Body Talk,  Time-Line Therapy, or Chakra Balancing, or an accurate soul portrait and some karmic clearing. You’ll be glad you did.

Feeling refreshed and unstuck is so much more fun than feeling heavy and stuck!

 …there’s an appointment waiting here for you.  Book here

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