March begins our enlightening Workshops Month at the Finding Health Clinic

 Thank you Barrie for being such a holistic minded city and having such an open minded population always ready to grow and experience new things and improve your health in natural healing ways.

7 years ago I began my Professional Reiki /BodyTalk Practice working out of my home. 4 years ago I moved my location to the Healing Oasis with a great team, including Dr. Whitney Young, Katherine Parent, and Jasmine Hayle RMT. In 2011 I opened my own Reiki BodyTalk Clinic at Victoria Village and now have expanded to occupying additional space for workshops too.

Beginning this weekend Feb 23 David Huff is offering a one day Body Talk Access workshop to help you heal and balance your health, your focus, and wellbeing without reliance on medications. Learn in a day use for a lifetime – read more here

In March the clinic will be to offering Reiki training, and Intuition classes, Intuitive art classes, Movie nights, as well as inviting Guest speakers on self-hypnosis, Conscious Parenting, Indigo children, Scalar Sound Therapies, Mindfulness, Stress Reduction, Nutrition,  movie nights, and more… Check here for workshop info

If you or someone you know needs a space to enrich or enlighten small groups (20 people theatre style) consider the Finding Health Clinic 705 241-8680 72 Ross St Unit 15 A & B email here

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