Our Health is our wealth! Information Series:
Our health and well-being depends on making informed choices. There is so much misinformation presented to us that without knowing it, we are giving away our right to choose what to eat and how to take care of our body. To this end we are going to be presenting informational movie nights once a month. Bring popcorn and join us
Our Health is our Wealth Information Series:
Movie Night to stay informed
Did you know: that in Germany you now need a prescription to get vitamin C?
Did you know: that if current international trade agreements were fully enforced the same would be required in Canada. (silent and sneaky, the push is on to enforce this. Have you noticed fewer natural supplements are now available in health food stores?)
Did you know: the number one cause of death in the North America is prescription medication.
Did you know: Corn used to be 80% protein but through genetic modification is now 80% sugar.
These are only the tip of the iceberg. The potential topics to cover are huge. If you are in the Barrie area, Dave Huff and I have decided to start making access to the truth easier with a series of monthly movie nights.
We are starting with an excellent documentary created by our Chiropractic friends called DOCTORED! This film shook me to my core. Here is a sneak peak:
The movie will be shown Tuesday April 30th, with the film starting at 7 pm.
Here at the Finding Health Clinic at 72 Ross St., Barrie. Unit 15
Space is limited and preregistration is required. ($5 donation at the door).
There are many more documentaries we would like to make available, so if you are willing and able, donations will be accepted to help offset the cost of purchasing them.
To register go to: http://getinformed.eventbrite.ca
Seize the day and shine brightly.
Jessy Morrison, Reiki Master
Dave Huff, CBP, Par.BP, BAT
Health Activists