What is REIKI? A spiritual practice of tuning the human central nervous system into constant ever present universal life energy, in order to use it to connect to oneself and others.
What does that mean for you? More energy, more clarity, more joy, more patience … and a deeper sense of presence and a knowing that no matter what, everything will be ok in your life, your business, your living , and improving your health. So when you take time to RELAX you really feel PEACEFULNESS and HEALING.
Want some? JOIN US on Saturday Oct 12 for Level 1: Introduction to Energy and your own Awareness. Startling! Revealing! And Fun!!!! Puts your power back in your own hands.
or Oct 19 for Level 2. YES THERES MORE! If you have already taken level 1 and are ready for deepening your adventure. Book on line www.jessymorrison.ca or phone with questions and comments 705-241-8680