When was the last time you allowed yourself to receive? Truly receive ?

 When was the last time you allowed yourself to receive? Truly receive Divine Unconditional Loving Energy?  I don’t mean – have a holiday, get your nails done, have a haircut or a good meal….

I mean recharge your batteries so you feel rejuvenated, reenergized, awakened and blessed?


Receiving is not something our society teaches us to allow or give to ourselves. Sometimes a Reiki session is the first real receiving you have ever experienced. Join us so you to can give to your magnificent cells, soul and mind. Reiki builds a bridge from your soul to your cells.

 I felt like defeated once. Even with the perfect house, the perfect husband, the cars, the 2.5 perfect kids, the prestigious career, and money in the bank; all the things that were “supposed” to make me happy, yet something was missing.

I was  always putting myself last for the good of the company, the family, my kids, the chores, the money, the ‘shoulds’, the ‘expectations’, ‘judgements’; the exhaustion was overwhelming, I felt out of the flow, without a choice … and then I discovered Reiki energy, or rather my children lead me to it and it discovered me!

My children instinctively understood it, they recognized it, they shared it and led me to my learning and my mentors. After making the daily practice of Reiki a part of our life, our health improved, our mind was refreshed, and our spirit was boyed and renewed.

Very gently and easily I was unlocked form the polarity of trauma, drama upset and pettiness, and put on my true journey as a Holistic healer. I am still learning, and what a beautiful adventure…

How can you access this Unconditional Loving energy of Reiki consciousness?

How can you allow more of this nurturing and caring energy to flow into and thru you?

What would it take to help you to understand you are an important and necessary part of the Divine plan?

How can you step into this life in Ease, Joy and Grace?

My answer to this is experience your own energy healing sessions. Reiki is but one type. Enjoy exploring. 

This is the first step of allowing yourself  to receive, to restore your health and renew!

How can you give if you are running on empty? Receiving is not something our society teaches us to allow or give to ourselves. Sometimes a Reiki or Body Talk session is the first real receiving you have ever experienced. Join us so you to can give TO your magnificent cells, soul and mind. Build a bridge from your soul to your cells.

Would you like to receive satisfaction with your life and step closer to creating everything you desire and more than you can imagine? Book your session now.

I don’t give you a magic wand and superman cape or leotard , but with these workshops we change your energy vibration, and give you the tools to  change your life and dissipate the unconscious perceptions of limitation that keep you stuck, fretting, anxious, and in a perpetual hamsterwheel of drama and trauma.

Ask yourself: 

  • What can I be, do and have that will create and generate that which would make my life and world a better place?
  • What can I perceive, know and BE that would make life worth living?
  • What would allow me to have the ability to be present in my life in every moment, with out judgement or a feeling of failure and overwhlem?

For me 20 years ago the answer began by exploring the beautiful loving nurturing energy of Reiki. I am so glad I did. My life has been blessed because of this connection. How about you?

The infinite universe is continuously gifting to us. We determine what we are willing to receive based on our willingness to BE. When we re functioning from thoughts feelings and emotions we are not being, we are operating on old programming that was handed down to us in our cells by our parents, schools, society, we are determining judging, deciding and concluding what we receive and how we receive, and unfortunately separating ourselves from source energy!

Did you know that science tells us that the shape of your cells actually becomes more elliptical when influenced by negative thoughts, feelings and emotions (which is the first step to disease). When you get Reiki treatments they unlock this impact on the cells allowing the cells to return to their more spherical shape, facilitating more ease in the body (thereby allowing healing and health!)

 If you wonder:

What can I be, do and have that will create and generate that which would make my life and world a better place? What can I BE that would make life  worth living? What would allow me to have the ability to be present in my life in every moment, with out judgement or a feeling of failure? Try Reiki! Book online for a session now.


Leave comments about your energy healing  experiences on the blog.

LLL Jessy

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