Stressed is just “dessertS” spelled backwards

STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backwards
If your intstressed is just desserts spelled backwardsention for 2018 is to improve your health and well-being, then this interactive talk will give you 5 tips to de-stress in under 5 minutes. You will learn how to immediately counteract the effects of stress, how to work with your own body not against it, and how to reboot your body’s innate ability to heal, refresh, and maintain balance so you can stay in-tune and improve your enjoyment for living.
Warning! Side effects of these natural easy new tools: immediately you may feel energized, your mind may feel clearer & more focused. Your memory may feel enhanced , and you may become more in-tune with your body, sidestep illness, and reverse dis-ease. Join us. Get on the Guest List here

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